As some of you will know, one of the many hats I wear is that of ‘Head of Miller’s Online’, running the new Miller’s website at As part of this exciting and growing free site, we have set up some interesting public polls, one of which asks whether traditional brown furniture is making a comeback.
A total of 71% of voters think it has already, or will very soon. This is made up of 42% of voters who said that it already had, and 29% who said that it will soon. On the negative side, 21% said that it hasn’t at all, and a pathetic 8% said that they don’t like it.
I’m sure you’ll agree that these are interesting results. I just can’t help feeling that the majority are right, and speaking to some of my auctioneer friends confirms this. They’re seeing tangible results of this opinion in salerooms across the country and, indeed, the globe.
My advice? Get to your nearest local auction room as quickly as your legs will carry you! The bargain prices seen over the past few years won’t continue for much longer. I’m delighted that I managed to buy this Georgian-style Edwardian period solid mahogany kneehole desk (above) at auction for £100, including commission, late last year.
It’s older than me, it’ll certainly outlive me, it’s the ‘green’ thing to do from a recycling perspective, and it represents far better value for money (in so many respects) than some mass-manufactured trash from a Scandinavian chain store…