Well, it seems as if post war Czech glass design is very much flavour of the month! Could it become flavour of the year, and maybe even the next ‘big thing’, I wonder?
With July seeing the launch of an important and ground-breaking exhibition and accompanying catalogue focusing on the subject, prices seem to be rocketing. Last night, the jardiniére version of this vase design sold for over £230 on eBay – more than three times the price the version shown below fetched a few years ago.
From a range known to collectors as the ‘Head’ series, it was designed in 1972 by Adolf Matura, a highly notable and extremely influential Czech glass designer. Made from pressed glass, it was produced by the Libochovice ‘hut (hut means glassworks), which was known for its pressed glass designs and was part of the important Sklo Union group of factories. Despite apparently being mass-produced, this design seems to be incredibly hard to find – a fact that is clearly reflected in the price.
I’m sure you’ll agree that the design is both fantastically modern and innovative – it’s still as fresh today as it was over three decades ago. Look closely though – although it looks like a face looking straight at you, you can also see two faces in profile kissing. Clever indeed.
I’d watch post war Czech glass design in general very closely right now. If you like it and haven’t started collecting yet, I’d strongly advise you to start now, as it looks like the area is on the up!