On my many visits to Canada, I’ve always been delighted by the enormous level of interest in West German ceramics of the 1960s & 70s. The country was a major export market for makers such as Bay, Scheurich and ES Keramik, and Fat Lava has become a firm favourite amongst collectors there.
My good friends Conrad Biernacki and Brian Musselwhite of the Royal Ontario Museum are fans, as is dealer Holly Gnaedinger of the wonderful ‘Twice Found‘ in the trendy Mirvish Village district of Toronto. Although a busy schedule meant I never got to meet him after having spoken a few times, I heard great things about another dealer by the name of Marten Augsten. Naturally I was delighted to see that the Canadian ‘National Post’ newspaper had recently covered his gallery, aptly named the Rogue Gallery. Click here to read the article, from where this image is used with thanks.
While I’m on the subject of Fat Lava, it’s only a few weeks until the ‘Fat Lava II’ extravaganza launches. Kicking off on 30th May with the opening of a selling exhibition at the Mid20C gallery in Reading, Berkshire there’re also a number of exciting web and gallery based events planned across June. With contributions from leading experts from Germany, the US, the UK and Australia, it’s not to be missed. Plus there’s the launch of the second, revised edition of my bookalogue. Check out www.fat-lava.org to find out more!