Back in June, I was honoured to be asked to travel to Amsterdam to open an all-new exhibition dedicated to Fat Lava. The organisers, Kevin Graham of the Pottery & Glass Forum and Emiel Monnink of Retrominded, had done a wonderful job, with hundreds of different ceramics on display. Pieces ranged from the unique, such as an amazing studio piece by Gerda Heuckeroth, to more commonly found and more affordable 1960s & 70s Scheurich vases. Colours were vibrant, glazes textured, and the 70-ish people who arrived for the opening were all on top form.
It was super to be able to put faces to so many names I had ‘met’ over the internet, but never actually met in person. In the evening, a number of us, including Kevin, Emiel, studio potter Thomas Kummer, and British Fat Lava dealer Stuart of Bygone Times, went out for a very memorable and highly enjoyable celebratory dinner.
During the day I had met and been interviewed by Caroline, a lovely freelance writer who was researching an article for top Dutch interiors and lifestyle magazine Flow. The article has now appeared, in issue no.6 of 2011. The magazine is a joy to behold and flick through, with innovative and highly appealing use and handling of fonts, photographs, and graphic motifs. It also ‘feels’ good too, as it’s printed on a couple of different types of paper, giving it a very luxurious feel away from the yawny old ‘glossies’. It’s magazines like this, and my all-time favourite Monocle, that prove that the magazine isn’t dead, despite all the doomsayers.
My only issue is that, fascinating as the article looks, I can’t read Dutch! But if you can, get hold of a copy today.
Image with thanks to, and courtesy of, Flow magazine.