I’ve been a fan of ‘The Chap‘ magazine for quite some time now, having found issue 7 in a vintage clothes shop a fair few years ago. Who couldn’t resist a magazine with a strap-line reading ‘Divinity lies in the insouciance of a moleskin waistcoat‘? Especially as I was wearing one at the time.
For those who don’t know it, this bi-monthly publication edited by Gustav Temple guides, entertains, and celebrates the modern gentleman. Witha strong leaning towards the wearing of tweed. You might think it’s done in a brilliant tongue-in-cheek manner as you peruse and read, but it’s a bible for the chaps who love it…
So I was delighted, honoured, and touched to be asked to be the subject of the regular ‘Chap Questionnaire’ for issue 60, especially as this is their ‘Dandy’ issue. Previous chaps interviewed include Stephen Fry, Robin Dutt, Nick Foulkes, the late Sebastian Horsley, and Roger Moore.
And, my, how it’s grown! Issue 60 is much larger and thicker than my dog-eared issue 7, and includes an excellent interview with über-dandy and New Romantic musician Adam Ant, and articles on the world-famous perfume ‘nose’ Roja Dove, outrageous female dandy the Marchesa Luisa Casati, and the smoking jacket and co-respondent shoe.
A single issue costs a mere £3.50, but I feel sure that, after reading it, you’ll want to subscribe for a year’s worth of six issues for £21. Click here for more information.